Socialization and Community Service of the Indonesian Literature Undergraduate Study Program at SMA Negeri 1 Bangli University


Bachelor of Indonesian Literature Study Program, Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University visited SMA Negeri 1 Bangli in socializing and community service activities on Tuesday, August 30, 2022. The event was opened with remarks from the Coordinator of the Indonesian Literature Undergraduate Study Program Dr. I Gusti Ayu Agung Mas Triadnyani, S.S., M.Hum. This socialization activity aims to introduce the Indonesian Literature Undergraduate Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Udayana University to students of SMA Negeri 1 Bangli and provide an understanding of the importance of learning good and correct Indonesian.


Remarks by the Teacher Representative of SMAN 1 Bangli

Remarks by teachers of SMAN 1 Bangli


The event was continued with remarks from teacher representatives of SMAN 1 Bangli. "Good morning and welcome, ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen of the Faculty of Humanities, Indonesian Literature Study Program, who has chosen SMAN 1 Bangli as one of the places for socialization activities", he greeted enthusiastically. According to him, this event really helps children easily get information about Indonesian Literature.




Introduction to Speakers

Moderator I Gusti Ngurah Mayun Susandhika, S.S., M.Hum., who introduced the speakers and read out the biodata the three speakers. "The first speaker, namely Dr. Ni Made Dhanawaty, M.S., with the nickname Ibu Dhanawaty she graduated S1 Faculty of Letters at Udayana University graduated in 1981, S2 Faculty of Cultural Sciences at Gajah Mada University graduated in 1990, and S3 Faculty of Humanities at Gadjah Mada University graduated in 20 02, he specializes in Linguistics and courses taught Introduction to General Linguistics, Language Research, Indonesian Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, and Indonesian.  Hesaid about the common mistakes of using Indonesian," said the moderator introducing the first speaker.

Remarks by the Coordinator of the Indonesian Literature Study Program

Mrs. Dr. I Gusti Ayu Agung Mas Triadnyani, S.S., M.Hum


The second source, namely Coordinator Program Study at the Bachelor of Indonesian Literature Mrs. Dr. I G.A.A. Mas Triadnyani, S.S., M.Hum. with the nickname Mrs. Gung Mas, she studied S1 Program Studi Sastra Indonesia at the University of Indonesia graduated in 1992, S2 Humanities   at the University of Indonesia graduated in 2000, and S3 In Humanities at the University of Indonesia graduated in 2014 with a concentration in Literature.  Mata lectures that are taught in Literary Studies, Screenwriting and Poetry, Sociology of Literature, Study of Indonesian Poetry, Literary Research Methods, Literary Psychology, and Indonesian as general courses. He served as coordinator of the Indonesian Literature study program at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Udayana University since 2022 before he served as coordinator of the program study in which he served as secretary of the Indonesian for Foreign Speakers (BIPA) in 2018 and chairman of BIPA Faculty of Humanities in 2020 to 2022.  The material presents about bachelor Study Program of Indonesian Literature, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Udayana University Bali.


Furthermore, the third speaker, namely Ni Kadek Widayanti nickname Wida, a student of semester V class of 2020 Program Studi Bachelor of Indonesian Literature, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Udayana University. With the presentation of material about the Student Association of the Indonesian Literature Undergraduate Study Program (Himasindo), Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Udayana University.


Presentation of Socialization Material

Presentation of Material by Dr. Ni Made Dhanawati, M.S.


Dr. Ni Made Dhanawati, M.S., m. presented about "Common Mistakes of Indonesian Use." Mrs. Dhana presented the material so skillfully that it really attracted the attention of the students of SMAN 1 Bangli. Not to forget, Mrs. Dhana reminded the high school students about the Trigatra Bangun Bahasa (prioritize Indonesian, preserve regional languages, and master foreign languages) which is often not noticed by high school students. In the midst of the presentation of the material Mrs. Dhana gave a short message in the copy dia "use good and correct Indonesian". Perhaps the message seems ordinary to ordinary people, but in education it has a deep meaning and has very complex rules.

Presentation of Material by the Coordinator of the Indonesian Literature Study Program

Mrs. Dr. I Gusti Ayu Agung Mas Triadnyani, S.S., M.Hum.

The presentation of the socialization of the Indonesian Literature Undergraduate study program   was delivered bythe Coordinator of the Indonesian Literature Undergraduate Study Program, Dr. I Gusti Ayu Agung Mas Triadnyani, S.S., M.Hum. He said that the Indonesian Literature Study Program was supported by twenty-three lecturers with seven of them being professors (professors), ten doctors, seven have an S2 education, and 99% already have qualifications as lecturers (serdos) issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Most lecturers have experience as practitioners such as, poets, novelists, journalists, and expert witnesses in the field of forensic linguistics (in investigations, investigations, and trials in court). Furthermore, the last material presentation was about the Indonesian Literature Student Association delivered by the head of Himasindo, Ni Kadek Widayanti.

Presentation of Material by the Head of the Indonesian Literature Student Association

Ni Kadek Widayanti


Handover of Udayana University Plaque


 Lecturer of Indonesian Literature Study Program and Students of SMAN 1 Bangli

After the presentation of the material by the third speaker, it was followed by the handover of a plaque by Ibu Mas, and a photo with the lecturer and thirty-four students of SMAN 1 Bangli who participated in socialization and community service activities.  The entertainment event featured Indonesian Literature students who are members of the Cakrawala Theater to sing songs and musicalize poems, as well as accompany lunch.  (SASINDO)