Presenting Practitioners from RRI Denpasar, Program Study at the Bachelor of Indonesian Literature Held Guest Lecture


Presentation of  Master of Ceremony (MC) material by practitioners

Students of the Indonesian Literature Study Program attend lectures for Public Speaking practitioners. The public speaking practitioner lecture was held on Monday, April 11, 2022, which took place in Room 05, Dr. Goris Building, Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University. The lecture was attended by students of the Indonesian Literature Study Program who studied in the vi semester, precisely the class of 2019. The 2019 class of students who took part in the Public Speaking lectures totaled approximately 35 people.

Public Speaking practitioner lectures are taught by guest lecture speakers from RRI Denpasar. The guest lecture resource person was named A.A. Ary Trisnawati, S.S., M. Hum. He is an announcer at Pro 4 RRI Denpasar. In addition, he also works as an extraordinary lecturer at UNHI and a non-permanent lecturer at Stikes Wira Medika.

        Before the practitioner is carried out, the resource person provides material related to the practice to be carried out. The topic of the material taught about the pewara (host). The material includes the definition of the bidder, the requirements of the bidder, the preparations that must be made by a bidder, and the communication component. After the material is taught, it is continued with the practice of becoming a bidder / MC. The practice is carried out by inviting students to try to become a Non-formal MC. Some students practice it with a variety of topics, both topics with the theme of music festivals, competitions, and some with birthday themes. The lectures were well-paced and interesting. The lecture was not only taught by speakers from RRI but also accompanied by lecturers who taught the Public Speaking course, namely Mr. I Gusti Ngurah Mayun Susandhika, S.S., M.Hum. and Mrs. Dr. Made Sri Satyawati, S.S., M.Hum.

Speaker, A.A. Ary Trisnawati, S.S., M. Hum., when delivering the material

The purpose of teaching public speaking practitioner lectures is to train students in public speaking so that later they can speak well in public. Therefore, the Indonesian Literature Study Program brings in someone who has certain skills and experiences needed to enrich the insights and knowledge of lecturers and students in accordance with the goals of the Tri Dhama of Higher Education. (Sasindo)