Present Associate Professor from The University of Sydney: Indonesian Literature Bachelor Study Program, Linguistic Masters, and Doctor of Linguistics


    Thursday, December 14, 2023, three study programs at FIB Unud, namely Bachelor of Indonesian Literature, Master of Linguistics, and Doctor of Linguistics with the Department of Indonesian Studies, School of Languages and Cultures, University of Sydney held a public lecture entitled "Greetings, References and The Structure of Feelings in Indonesian Media Interviews” took place at the Widya Sabha Mandala Auditorium, FIB Unud, Jalan Pulau Nias No 13 Denpasar.

    This activity was opened directly by the Dean of FIB Unud, and attended by the Head of the Indonesian Studies Department, School of Languages and Cultures, University of Sydney, Head of the Bali Province Language Center, Deputy Dean I FIB Unud, Study Program Coordinator, Professors, and lecturers and students of the Bachelor of Indonesian Literature, Master of Linguistics and Doctor of Linguistics Study Programs.

    This public lecture was delivered by an Associate Professor from Indonesian Studies, School of Languages and Cultures, University of Sydney, namely Prof. Dwi Noverini Djenar. He is the Head of the Department of this study program. This public lecture was carried out based on collaboration between three study programs within FIB Unud, namely Bachelor of Indonesian Literature, Master of Linguistics, and Doctor of Linguistics with the Department of Indonesian Studies, School of Languages and Cultures, University of Sydney.

    There are three reasons why this public lecture is significant for FIB Unud. The first reason is the importance of the topic brought up by today's speaker, Prof. Novi, in daily communication. The second reason is related to accreditation, the step of inviting experts from foreign universities to FIB Unud, of course, can be useful for the accreditation of related study programs. "The third reason is the demand for internationalization, the arrival of experts from abroad will certainly be perfect for FIB Unud," explained the Dean of FIB, Mr. Aryawibawa, Ph.D.

    This public lecture activity began with the signing of cooperation documents, namely the Memorandum of Arrangement (MoA) Implementation Arrangement (IA) between FIB Unud and three study programs, namely the Indonesian Literature Study Program, Masters in Linguistics, and Doctoral in Linguistics with Indonesian Studies, School of Languages and Cultures, University of Sydney.

(Memorandum of Arrangement and Implementation Arrangement Cooperation Signing Process)