National Seminar on Language Month. "Love of Language, Sustainable Forever" University


The National Seminar on Language Month will be held on Sunday, October 23, 2022 in a hybrid manner. Located in the Widya Sabha Mandala Auditorium Room, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Udayana University for offline and via Zoom Meeting for online. This event pull a lot of interest, as evidenced by the number of participants who registered, namely as many as one hundred and seven participants. This activity is a work program from the Indonesian Sastra Student Association, Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University in collaboration with Ahmad Dahlan University, with the theme "Language as a Bridge unifying the Nation. " Thisis open to all students in Indonesia.

The seminar was moderated by Sahfitri Br Sembiring, an active student of the Indonesian literature study program batch '21. The seminar event featured two great speakers. One of them is a lecturer from Ahmad Dahlan University, namely Dr. Dedi Pramono, M.Hum. Presenting material with the title "Youth Oath."  Then the second speaker of BIPA teaching lecturers, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Udayana University, namely Eirenne Pridari Sinsya Dewi, S.S., M.ed. brought no less interesting material, entitled "Proud to Speak Indonesian."

Report of the Chairman of the Bulbah Committee

Remarks by the Chairman of the Indonesian Literary Association

Ni Kadek Widayanti.

Remarks by the Head of the Indonesian Literature Study Program

Mrs. Dr. I G A.A. Mas Triadnyani, S.S., M.Hum.

Remarks by the Faculty of Humanities

Mrs. Dr. Made Sri Satyawati, S.S., M.Hum.

The event opened with the report of the chairman of the committee, which in his report also mentioned that Language Month 2022 also held an exhibition of reading works from October 24-29, 2022. After the report of the chairman of the committee, remarks were also given by the chairman of Himasindo, the Indonesian literature study program and the dean of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Udayana University.

Report of the Chairman of the Bulam Bahasa Sutondu Mada Committee.

"Language Month 2022 is an activity to commemorate the Indonesian nation in the youth oath. This year's Language Month carries the theme "Youth Oath Not Youth Waste" which has two activities, the first on October 23, 2022, namely a national seminar entitled "Language as a Unifying Bridge for the Nation." Then the second one will be held on October 24-29, 2022, which is an exhibition of immaji house reading works. This activity has preparations from July to October, with a committee of 46 people. The purpose of holding this language month 2022 is the first to provide space for young literati to show their existence, the second is to strengthen relations both internally and externally, and the third activity is also to add knowledge and insight in the literary world."

Youth Oath

First Material Presentation

Dr. Dedi Pramono, M.Hum.

The first material was presented by Dr. Dedi Pramono, M.Hum. a lecturer from Ahmad Dahlan University. He explained that the function of Indonesian as a national language is the first as a symbol of national identity, the second as a symbol of national identity, the third as a unifying tool of the nation, and as a lingua franca.  In addition, he also explained about Indonesia's anomalous conditions regarding fears of extinction of regional language use, the increasing use of foreign languages and slang, language development efforts, especially new vocabulary should continue to be carried out, it's just that it is more adaptif and transparent. Mr. Dedi in his material explained the challenges of Indonesian in the era of globalization. Indonesian are required to be adaptive to keep up with the times, especially science and technology, Indonesian must mix codes with foreign languages, regions and slang. The struggle for national unity with language is not over yet.


Proud to Speak Indonesian

Second Material Presentation

Eirenne Pridari Sinsya Dewi, S.S., M.ed.

The second speaker was Mrs. Eirenne Pridari Sinsya Dewi, S.S., M.ed. in her meter, Mrs. Eirenne explained that Indonesian is in the fourth position with the most populated countries, Indonesian is in the top ten of the most spoken languages in the world, Indonesian is a compulsory course or subject in an overseas educational institution. Some universities that make Indonesian as their courses, namely Hangkuk University of Foreign Studies (South Korea), University of Southern Queensland (Australia), University of Washington (United States), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, (Japan), and others. The things that encourage foreigners to be interested in learning Indonesian are   the culture of Indonesian art and nature, as well as being interested in Indonesian culture and seeing business opportunities in Indonesia. Mrs. Eirenne mentioned that Indonesian have the opportunity to become an international language because Indonesian become an international scientific language, Indonesian become a second language in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Bahasa Indonesia isranked fourth as the most popular language in Australia, and M esir has a PSI (Center for Indonesian Studies) at the University of Suez Canal. In between delivering the material, he gave a slogan "a country will not survive without its language."



Thesecond M a teri is the closing for the 2022 Language Month Seminar. The enthusiasm of one hundred and seven participants in the National Seminar this Language Month, is expected to be able to maintain the existence of Indonesian as a national language. Hopefully, Indonesian will remain sustainable and mampu compete with other languages in the future.  (SASINDO)