National Seminar: Literary Studies Literacy in the Perspective of the Digital Era
The Indonesian Literature Study Program, Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University (FIB Unud), in collaboration with the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Muria Kudus University (FKIP UMK), is organizing a National Seminar titled "Literacy in Literary Studies from a Digital Perspective." The event will take place on Friday, October 11, 2024.
This seminar will be attended by faculty and students from the Indonesian Literature Study Program at Udayana University, as well as students from Muria Kudus University. Additionally, the seminar will feature four expert speakers: Dr. Luthfa Nugraheni, M.Pd from Muria Kudus University, Dr. Drs. Ida Bagus Jelantik SP, M.Hum. from Udayana University, Dr. Resdiyanto Permata R., M.Pd. from State University of Surabaya, and Eva Ardiana Indrariani S.S., M.Hum. from PGRI University Semarang.
The seminar is expected to offer new insights into the development of literary studies, particularly from a digital perspective, which is increasingly relevant in today’s era. Moreover, this event will serve as a platform for discussions among academics and students to share ideas and innovations in literary literacy.