
The Indonesian Literature Study Program Student Association, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Udayana University is again holding a Literary Week 2023 in a hybrid manner. Located in the Widya Sabha Mandala Auditorium, Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Mantra, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Udayana University. This event starts on April 14, 2023, and ends with the peak of Literary Appreciation on Saturday, April 29, 2023. 


Still the same as before, the activity, a work program of the Indonesian Literature Student Association, again provides a forum for developing creativity through competitions and seminars. Literary Week was created to commemorate the death of the pioneer poet of the 1945 generation, Chairil Anwar. He died on April 28, 1949, at a young age, namely, 26 years.


Creativity without limit


This year's Literature Week carries the theme "Literary Appreciation as a Forum for Young People's Creativity". The head of the 2023 Literature Week committee explained that the theme means "to be a place or place for students and all young people to work and have unlimited creativity".


Revina (chair of the committee) explained that there were several series of events. The first activity of Literature Week is the National Webinar on April 14, 2023. The second series of events, namely the D-Day of the Poetry Reading Contest on April 28, 2023, and April 29 2023 are closing as well as the peak of appreciation. The number of registrants for the competition was 55 participants, consisting of 26 poetry writing contest participants, 19 short story writing contest participants, and 10 poetry reading competition participants.

Participants read poetry.

Poetry Reading Contest Judges.



National Webinar

Online Webinar Speakers and Moderators via Zoom Meeting.


A series of activities were carried out to enliven the 2023 Literature Week, one of which was a seminar that carried a very interesting theme, namely, "Intellectuality of Women Writers in Indonesian Literature". The webinar will be held on April 14, 2023, online via Zoom Meeting. This webinar results from a collaboration between the Indonesian Literature Study Program Student Association and HISKI Bali, Gadjah Mada University, and the University of Indonesia.


Still the same as last year, this year's Webinar also brought together three great speakers from three well-known universities in Indonesia, namely, Dr. I G.A.A. Mas Triadnyani, S.S., M.Hum. lecturer from Indonesian Literature, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Udayana University. The second speaker is Dr. Phil. Ramayda Akmal, S.S., M.A. lecturer from Indonesian Literature, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Gadjah Mada University. The last speaker was Dr. M. Yoesoef, M. Hum. lecturer from the Indonesian Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, University of Indonesia.

Mrs. Mas takes the title "Women's Transformative Power in Literary Works" in this webinar. Then Mrs. Ramayda with the material title "Women, Travelers, Writers". Finally Mr. Yoesoef with the material title "Women's Literature: Questioning Women Writing and Female Figures in Literary Works".



The Peak of Literary Appreciation


Closing of Peksas 2023 by Indonesian Literature Study Program Coordinator.


The pinnacle of literary appreciation was the last series of the Literary Week which was held at the Widya Sabha Mandala Auditorium Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Mantra, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Udayana University. The series of activities on this peak day included a report from the head of the committee, remarks from the Chair of the Indonesian Literature Student Association, and the Coordinating Study Program for Indonesian Literature which also closed the 2023 Literature Week.



Feedback Session


Feedback Session reading by the committee.


There are nine judges, with three judges each in each sub-competition. Short story creation jury: I Putu Agus Phebi Rosadi, Made Adnyana Ole, and Dr. Dra. Maria Matildis Banda, M.S. Poetry Reading Jury: Eirenne Pridari Sinsya Dewi., S.S., M.Ed., Dr. Dra Anak Agung Sagung Mas Ruscitadewi, M. Fil.H., and I Wayan Agus Wiratama, S.Pd., M.Pd. Poetry Writing Jury: Dr. Drs. I Ketut Sudewa, M.Hum., Wayan Jengki Sunarta, and Wayan Udiana.

The committee read the feedback session from the judges because the judges were unable to attend the Literary Appreciation Summit. “There are nineteen manuscripts that reach the hands of the jury. Some of the participants have indeed been able to achieve that they have tried to write good short stories. However, many people are not aware that a short story requires a lot of consideration.

“In a short story writing competition, all that is found is the perfect storyteller. Good storytellers will be left out, let alone bad storytellers. Bad storytellers won't get a place. It won't be recorded."

"In terms of story themes, some of the participants have explored various themes both from within and outside the country, even though what they do is very tedious. We should really explore themes outside our environment, writers can do a little research about an area that will be the background in a short story. Comments from the short story copyright judges.

The poetry copyright jury gave three points in their comments. or accepted as true literary activity and creativity.” The first note from the jury is about writing a poem.

"Only a few poems meet the accepted literary conventions, the rest are poems in quotation marks, which were written with the sole purpose of being strange, just beautiful, and even perfunctory" the second note.

In the third note, the jury explained that the jury did not necessarily give an arbitrary assessment, but based on fundamental considerations. "We don't do the assessment immediately by giving numbers, but through a measurable discussion process, referring to existing literary theories, taking into account references from literary experts whose existence has been recognized and also based on exploring our own experiences as literary actors over”


Closing Ceremony


Poetry Reading Performance By Poetry Reading Contest Winners.


Delivery of Certificates to Contest Winners


At the closing of the event, there was the appearance of the poetry reading winner, followed by the appearance of one of the judges reading poetry, and finally the presentation of award certificates to the participants, judges, and sponsors who contributed to the success of this event. This year's Literary Week event ran smoothly and the enthusiasm of the participants was palpable, as did many who participated to enliven this series of events. Hopefully, the next Literature Week will run more lively, and more people will be interested in Literature.