Indonesian Literature Study Program Holds Training Scientific Article Writing


Friday, June 03, 2022, a scientific article writing training has been held to improve the writing skills of Indonesian Literature students. This training was organized by Program Study in Indonesian Literature in The Dr. Room Priyono, Fourth Floor, Prof. Poerbatjaraka Building, Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University. This training was attended by fifty students of the class of 2019 and the class of 2020.  This activity was also attended by the Head of the Indonesian Literature Study Program and the lecturers of the Indonesian Sastra Study Program.

Participants in Scientific Article Writing Training, Students in Semester IV and VI


The scientific article writing training was welcomed directly by the Head of the Indonesian Literature Study Program, Dr. I Gusti Ayu Agung Mas Triadnyani, S.S., M.Hum.   By conducting this training, students can add writing and reading skills to Indonesian Literature students. He hopes that students can make writings that are eligible to be published in the scientific journal Indonesian Literature Study Program.

Opening Remarks by Mrs. Koprodi Dr. I Gusti Ayu Agung Mas Triadnyani S.S., M.Hum.

“This scientific article writing training activity is held in an effort to improve writing and reading skills, in fact, without reading, it is impossible to do this writing activity. Indeed, the writing of this article is a requirement for students to be able to take part in a thesis trial. So, through training activities, it is hoped that they will produce writings that are eligible for publication in scientific journals, especially in the scientific journal Program Study in Indonesian Literature,” said Mrs. Gung Mas.

At the end of his remarks, he thanked the speakers, lecturers, and students who had attended this activity.  He hopes that this training activity will be useful for students later.

“I also thank you to Prof. Pastika for his willingness to be a resource person in this training activity.   Thank you also to the younger students for their presence, hopefully this activity can be useful later. That's all I'm closing, Om Santhi, Santhi, Santhi, Om.

Overview of Sources

Prof. Dr. I Wayan Pastika, M.S.

The resource person in this training is one of the great lecturers of the Indonesian Literature Study Program. He is Prof. Dr. I Wayan Pastika, M.S., When he continued his S-2 studies in 2003, he already had a national journal. The first journal he wrote was a linguistics journal.  He was asked to work as a partner in 2012 at the Bali Journal Study which is a Unud journal specialized in studying language, literature, and culture. From his writing experience, we certainly know that he will provide material that is very useful for Indonesian Literature students who will certainly be involved in the world of writing.

Implementation of training

Giving Material by Prof. Dr. I Wayan Pastika, M.S.

Prof. Pastika provided material for writing scientific articles in great detail. One of them is how to write abstracts correctly and well.  He explained that abstracts usually consist of no more than 100 words. The abstract according to him should contain elements such as background, problem formulation, goals, results, and conclusions.

“If I'm not mistaken, it's just 100 words suggested by journalists. So, the abstract should hold the elements of the background, the formulation of the problem, the goals, the benefits, the results, and the conclusions, then there are keywords. Abstract there are two languages, Indonesian and English” kata Prof. Dr. I Wayan Pastika, M.S.

At the end of the presentation, he conveyed a message that students should use their best time to create valid scientific articles. He hopes that what he provides will be useful for the students in the future.

“I think that's all I can say, So it's about an hour more yes. Hopefully the material I conveyed has some benefit, I hope later you can be more careful writing articles. Use your best time to produce valid works,” he continued.

Closing of training activities

Closing by Mr. I Gusti Ngurah Mayun, S.S., M.Hum.

At the closing of the article writing training, Mr. Ngurah Mayun gave a message and thank you to all those who attended this training. “Thank you to the younger students who have attended.  Hopefully, the material that has been given by Prof. Pastika is useful. The Material given by Prof. Pastika always remains read and practiced when writing scientific articles. This material is very useful for you in the future. Well, I ended the training directly today, thank you,” said and concluded by Mr. I Gusti Ngurah Mayun, S.S., M.Hum.

Hopefully, with this activity, students will be able to improve their quality and abilities, especially in the field of writing. It will also be a provision later when writing a thesis and when graduating from the Indonesian Literature Study Program, of course become a qualified graduate. (Sasindo)