Indonesian Literature Study Program, FIB UNUD provides workshops on filling out CPL monitoring and evaluation for lecturers


On Monday, January 15, 2024, a workshop on filling out the CPL monitoring and evaluation for the Indonesian Literature study program was held in the courtroom. Participants in the workshop were lecturers from the Indonesian literature study program, FIB Unud.

The resource person in this workshop was Ida Bagus Gede Dharma Putra, S.S., M.A., and Eirenne Pridari Sinsya Dewi, S.S., M.Ed. who is a lecturer in the Indonesian Literature study program as well as the TPPM team at the study program level. The material presented is related to "Mapping CPL/Indicators to courses and list of CPMK per course, setting/input CPL and Performance Indicators (IK), setting/input CPMK and Mapping Performance Indicators (IK) for each course, setting Evaluation Type, Assessment Form, and Value Range, and guide to value input in CPL Monev.

Filling in the CPL monitoring and evaluation process is necessary to determine the suitability of the achievements between ELO and CPMK. Systematic implementation of ELO and CPMK is essential in implementing accreditation to guarantee the quality of curriculum implementation which is the main point of accreditation assessment. The future hope of this workshop is that the Indonesian literature study program will be able to implement ELO and CPMK systematically.

In this workshop, Indonesian literature study program lecturers were given an understanding of the steps for implementing ELO and CPMK, starting with the study program inputting CPL, IK, CPMK, and mapping performance indicators, followed by adjustments to the type of assessment, assessment input, and value range which are also carried out by the study program. After the study program has arranged everything, the lecturer can adjust the assessment weights in the assessment form for each course taught, input grades, and input portfolio data. At the end of the lecture, the Study Program can see the CPL monitoring and evaluation (individual, semester, class, and graduate) and students can see the results of the individual CPL assessment and monitoring and evaluation.