First Day of Practitioner Lecture: Editing News Manuscripts


The practitioner lecture is in room 5, Goris Building, Faculty of Cultural Sciences.

Participants in the first day of practitioner lecture.

May 22, 2023, Indonesian Literature Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Udayana University, has conducted a lecture on the first day of practitioners, in room 5, Goris Building, Faculty of Cultural Sciences. Participants who attended were 35 classes 21 from classes A and B. The material discussed in this lecture was "Technique of Editing News Texts".

Opening and introduction of guest lecturers by Mr. Drs. I Wayan Teguh, M.Hum.

This year's practitioner lecture brought a guest lecturer from the Bali Post named I Nyoman Winata, S.E., M.I.Kom and accompanied by Drs. I Wayan Teguh, M.Hum. As a lecturer from the Indonesian Literature Study Program at Udayana University.

Mr. Winata had previously been a guest lecturer for several universities in Semarang, such as the University of Muhammadiyah Semarang and Pandanaran University from 2011-2018. He was invited to be a teacher for the Department of Communication Science. In addition, he has been a Director of Semarang TV since 2004 until now. He is also a Daily Director of Bali Post, Producer, and Presenter from the Bali Post Talk on Bali TV.


Presentation of material


This practitioner lecture begins with the provision of material regarding the general description of the techniques of editing the manuscript by the teacher where the purpose of the holding of this practitioner lecture is to provide knowledge to students related to practices in the field.

In his material, Mr. Winata explained the understanding of the manuscript and the purpose of editing "Manuscript is an activity to prepare a manuscript ready to print or ready to be published by paying attention to the systematic presentation, content, and language used in it concerning the spelling, diction, and sentence structure."

"The purpose of editing the manuscript itself is to prevent mistakes in the spelling, sentence structure, submission of facts, and news structures, and avoid things outside the technical issue of the text. This editing activity is usually carried out by the page editor, the spelling editor, and the layout section. " He continued.

Exposure to the material by Mr. I Wayan Winata.

To become an editor or editor, he said several conditions were needed, such as having skills. The skills in question are not only skilled in expressing ideas, but also skilled in applying punctuation, spelling, and various competencies related to this work. In addition, another requirement is to understand the contents of the text (technical ability) and context (development of discourse/content).

Mr. Winata also informs that in the process of editing a text, there are several steps that must be considered "Reread the title and ensure it is in accordance with the contents of the news delivered, re-check the facts, data, arrangement of paragraphs and make sure it is logical and easy to understand."

"Also check the grammar and make sure there are no spelling errors, check the author's style or whether there are elements of error or bias that can make news not neutral. Re-check whether the news is in accordance with the media editorial guide and whether the news is ready to be published. " He said in describing the material.


With this practitioner lecture, it is expected that students can increase their knowledge and ability to understand topics about editing. This practitioner lecture will be held again on Monday, May 29, 2023.