Collaborating with Language Extension Workers, Indonesian Literature Study Program Holds Practitioner Lectures


Program stuat the Bachelor of Indonesian Literature held a practitioner lecture session on Monday, April 11, 2022. This practitioner lecture was attended by all students from the class of 2020.  The lecture took place in the activity was held in room 5 of the Dr. R. Goris Building, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Udayana University at 15.00 WITA.

This practitioner lecture is a lecture method that brings in directly teachers with long experience in their respective fields of expertise. In this practitioner lecture, speakers from the Bali Provincial Language Center  were presented. The invited resource person was Wahyu Aji Wibowo S.S., a language extension worker accompanied by a lecturer of the Indonesian Literature Study Program I Gusti Ngurah Mayun Susandhika S.S., M.Hum. The material in this lecture was “Instructions for Writing and Editing Scientific Articles Starting publication in 2017.”

The practitioner lecture material presented by the resource persons is related to the editing of scientific articles. As a practitioner engaged in counseling and editing Indonesian, Wahyu Aji has had long experience in his field. Apart from being a script editor, Wahyu Aji is also often asked to be an expert witness in the field of language.

Practical Lecture Class Atmosphere

Editing ability is one of the skills that must be possessed by students, especially Indonesian Literature students. Expertise as a language editor is currently an important part of the academic world as well as the publishing world. The role of the language editor is very important to avoid writing and spelling errors before scientific papers are published," said Wahyu Aji.

The holding of this practitioner lecture aims to improve the quality of learning, namely providing practical knowledge to students in accordance with what is happening in the field.  Students gain experience as well as learn to analyze problems offered by the resource persons from their experiences in the field.

For students, the arrival of language extension workers as teachers in practitioner lecture activities provides a golden opportunity to absorb as much experience and skills as possible. This, of course, can be an initial provision before students return to society to devote the knowledge they have gained in society. (Sasindo)