Campus Website News Preparation Discussion Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University


The workshop was held on Thursday, November 24, 2022, in the courtroom, Poerbatjaraka Building, Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University. The event brought in speakers Dr. I Made Sujaya and was attended by 27 participants. Consists of S1, S2, S3 students, FIB media, and several lecturers.

News Drafting Workshop Participants


Online Newsreader Characters

Material Presentation by Mr. Sujaya and Moderator Mr. Ari Suprapta


According to a Reuters Institute 2021 survey, indonesia's prominent sources of news are online media, secondly social media, thirdly television, and most recently print media.

Thecharioter for online newsreaders is 80% of online readers as scanners, and 20% of whole readers. Readers generally use mobile phones, just sekadar want to kill time.


Institution/Community Website

Everyone can be a reporter, everyone can have media (podcast, youtube, and others).  However, institutions such as campuses and companies, are now competing to manage the website dengan as well as possible, so that it can be interesting.

"Indeed, all have media, but not all are read. That's our challenge as institutional/community website managers to formulate more appropriate content and presentations." Said Dr. I Made Sujaya.


Notes for FIB Campus Website

From the perspective of a journalist, the news presentation of the Unud website is better when compared to UGM and UI's websites. Unud's website has been organized as a news story and meets the elements of news. However, there are some importantnotes. "T the friends who take care of the FIB website already know the basics, what should be in a news story."  However, the news presented tends to focus on formal activities on campus.  "We need to think about the possibility of developing more than just the events we are reporting."  Said Dr. I Made Sujaya.

It is worth considering a fresher and more interesting point of view. Because although the campus website serves to provide more information, but because our goal is not just news.  However, in order for our news to be interesting to read.


Hal-H al Pokok in Membuat Berita di Luar 5W+1H

I think it has to be factual. Something really happened. The latest news, must be important to the institution or if the journalist's side is important to the public, can process the important things into interesting.

It's not all the important things that are interesting, with regards to the rules of the news. Ada things that can and should not be included in the news. Kita as a newsmaker has to find sources. By means of collecting, collecting, sorting, selecting, processing, presenting, disseminating information.


News Sources and Variety

News sources or news materials can be obtained anywhere, and anytime. But not everything and everyone can be a source of news.  For example, live news whose sources should be sorted carefully.

Straight news: the writing style is to the point, straight to the point.  The technique is inverted pyramid. This type of news is usually written with elements that begin with: a) title, (the shorter the better, the maximum 8 words), b) The terrace. The first paragraph what, where, who, when, 3-4 sentences. Body. Explanatory paragraphs of why and how, there is a direct quote from the source, c) Tails. Complementary paragraphs.

A tatigraph is a three-paragraph news, just to inform the news. Suitable for social media.  In writing journalistic language, online media is written with short sentences and simple.   Choose keywords that are easy to scan, commonly used, and the words are standard.   Straightforward, not long-winded avoid unnecessary words and use active sentences.


Highlighting Information Baru Agar Tidak Datar

Dnature Writing news for campus websites and social media should be highbut concise, short and interesting titles, short sentences, complete photos/images, sentences must be effective. In writing news there is no need to write long quotes. But there must be citations and sentences must be effective.


How Menget Information that Akurat

Discipline verification as best as possible so that the public gets the news yang valid.  Often dishonest information, the ability to analyze is needed.  Logic must also be able to work on presenting news based on facts.  The news writer should be able to compare or present two pieces of information.  It is recommended that youlook for sources a lot so that the news produced is better.



"We don't have to wait for news, but create news."

"Writing for eternity. Friends who write for the web should think of writing for eternity. So, be earnest in writing. Write right, write well, so that in the future with the writing we write, we can be seen as good people."  said Mr.  Made Sujaya towards the end of the event.

Certificate Awarding


In line with the above opinions, we as journalists must be able to be more creative in creating news.  Not just news on the campus website but news that is interesting to read. The news produced should not only be official campus event news but creative and innovative news   attracts readers to read the news on our campus website.  (SASINDO)